Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ode to 2019

Ode to 2019

My resolution to write more in this year gone past,
has come up short and not only because the time has flown fast.

One major occurrence at the beginning of the year,
the death of My-Favorite-Father-In-Law dear.

The caring for his widowed spouse,
the running and maintaining of her and our house,
has left me little time in my blog to post,
and this loss of time is what I regret the most.

Despite 2019 passing in the blink of my eye,
  I was able to give 31 posts (and my resolution) the old college try.

Old Spanish forts in lights,
and ancient Spanish citrus delights.
Making Bigfoot tracks leave a trace,
and sending my name to Mars in outer space.
Becoming suffragette Susan B. Anthony,
and Hester Prynne with Pearl, her baby.

Just to list a few of the few I did write,
to list them all would take too much of 2019's last night.

I do hope 2020 will not be a repeat,
and time will pass gently and sweet.

I hesitate to make a resolution to write more next year,
as last year's decidedly kicked my rear.