Monday, August 17, 2020

A Pandemic Project

 We are all experiencing some cabin fever during this pandemic. I think The Colonel's cabin fever manifests itself through the creation of DIY projects (from the crowds at The Home Depot, I think many people feel the same way).

One of his latest projects involved revamping my end table in the living room. He made me the table a long time ago and said it was time to "beef up" the legs, give it another coat of paint and maybe add some color to the interior. Sure, why not. I had some time on my hands too.

This is what the old spindly legs looked like and the interior was plain white (I had removed the top, an old six-paned window frame before I took the photograph).


Not only did The Colonel add more substantial legs, he also added some storage (a place for headphones, cables and cords) and a power bar to the underside of the table. 

I painted the interior of the end table a beautiful, blue, chalk paint.

I also repainted the outside, legs and window pane a bright white.

I am glad The Colonel suggested the end table revamp. It has turned out beautifully. I love the new blue interior, it makes the displayed items inside pop.

We have more pandemic projects in the works. Stay tuned!