Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020 Style

In keeping with the changes we have all had to make since the pandemic began, The Colonel and I have made some modifications to our Thanksgiving meal this year.

In the past, our dining room table would have been surrounded by family members. With the passing of The Colonel's parents and sister, that just leaves The Colonel, Yam, Spud and myself. Yam was unable to join us this year, as she is in quarantine for a few more days. Spud is not with us either, he is celebrating Thanksgiving with his girlfriend and friends in Jacksonville. So, it was just The Colonel and I during our Thanksgiving meal.

In the past, we would have a whole turkey (cooked by my Darling-Sister-In-Law), pounds of mashed potatoes (made by The Colonel), sugar-free sweet potato casserole (made by me for my hypoglycemic, Favorite-Father-In-Law but Spud and I loved it too), Reams Noodles, homemade dressing, homemade gravy, rolls, ham, green bean casserole (Yam's favorite), cranberry jelly and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. 

This Thanksgiving, we bought a small amount of pre-cooked, Boar's Head turkey breast, jarred turkey gravy (The Colonel heated both in the oven), Bob Evans mashed potatoes (microwavable), Stove Top Cornbread stuffing, Ocean Spray cranberry jelly (it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without the round slices of cranberry jelly and their iconic ring markings from the can) and I made the green bean casserole. We chose not to have a pumpkin pie this year. To keep some tradition alive, we used The Colonel's grandmother's dish for the cranberry jelly. The jelly fits perfectly in her glass dish.

The Colonel and I did not feel like sitting at the dinning room table this year, so we had our meal at the coffee table in the living room and watched the television. We added a little glass of German white wine to our meal (to give eating from the coffee table a little bit more gravitas...and because it is delicious).

It may not have looked very pretty or festive, but the meal was delicious and the clean up was quick and easy. 

In this upside down world and trying year, we are evermore thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us.

1 comment:

  1. It is the "thanks" that count, and a meal that is easily prepared is usually the most delicious. Jenn
