The Colonel and I, with Yam's assistance, created three replicas of the Key Marco Cat. Two replicas will be used in educational programs by the Boca Grande Historical Society on Gasparilla Island. The third replica is Yam's.
The Key Marco Cat was discovered in 1896 by anthropologist Frank Hamilton Cushing. It is a six-inch figure carved from Florida Buttonwood, using shark's teeth and shells as scrapers. It is a half human and half panther figure and may have been a spiritual icon of the Calusa Indians. It may have been carved between 500 to 1,500 years ago. The Calusa were Native American people who lived on Florida's southwest coast before and during first European contact of the 16th and 17th centuries. The Colonel and I have portrayed Calusa Indians in past educational programs.
The real Key Marco Cat is on display at the Marco Island Historical Museum on Marco Island, FL. The Colonel and I saw it there about 3 years ago. This is a photograph of the real one.
Yam printed the replicas with our 3-D printer.
It was then up to me to paint them, hopefully making them look much like the original figurine. The Colonel and I had gone to Michael's earlier, looking for paint we hoped would be a good match.
Very cool!