Saturday, January 29, 2011

Breakfast With a President

The museum The Colonel and I are involved with hosted its 5th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast on January 15th. This year's theme was "Finding the Common Ground".

The breakfast was once again held in the local middle school's cafeteria. The tables were decorated with blue, green and white tablecloths (there is a reason for this color combo).

This year, it was particularly important that the breakfast went smoothly and was a success because our keynote speaker was the President of Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU), Dr. Wilson Bradshaw. (FGCU's colors are Cobalt Blue and Emerald Green, our tablecloths were close enough.)

The museum staff has met with Dr. Bradshaw in the past. He has come to the museum and we have gone to the university in order to build a partnership. FGCU is in the county south of here and it has recently opened a satellite in this county. Dr. Bradshaw and his staff are interested in cultivating students from this county. FGCU's Community Outreach Director has joined the museum's board as of last year.

Dr. Bradshaw is very approachable and engaging. When I met him at the museum a couple years ago I told him that my daughter would be graduating from high school and was thinking of attending FGCU. I know that meeting played a part in Yam's acceptance at FGCU; I was later informed that she was brought up, by name, at the meeting for the selection of Freshmen for the 2009 Fall Semester.

I had spoken to Dr. Bradshaw when he and his wife arrived at the breakfast, saying I could not believe that my daughter is already a sophomore at FGCU and that time is passing quickly. He spoke of Yam being a sophomore at FGCU in his keynote speech. I was pleased to hear him mention her.

I also spoke with Mrs. Bradshaw. She is very friendly and easy to talk to. After the breakfast, I gave her the beautiful, floral centerpiece from the head table and she told me that she would have to put it somewhere out of the cat's reach like she does the Christmas decorations. Been there, done that and have the T-shirt!

The museum hosted roughly 275 people at this year's breakfast.

Everyone (those who ate) had to go through the food line to get their breakfast of fried eggs, bacon, sausage, grits and a biscuit, muffin or croissant. There were also coffee, tea, juice or milk to drink. Going through the line brought back memories of my school days (and Adam Sandler's "Lunch Lady Land" song).

Dr. Bradshaw gave his keynote speech once everyone had eaten.

In keeping with the breakfast's theme of "Finding the Common Ground", Dr. Bradshaw spoke of education being the foundation for finding or achieving the common ground between all people. You would expect that from a university president wouldn't you? I do agree with Dr. Bradshaw though.

It was a successful breakfast and we at the museum are pleased to have it behind us. Now starts the planning for next year's breakfast.

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