Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Better End of the Deal

A few months ago I asked my dear friend if she would please knit a brain hat for The Colonel and I so that we could wear them during our town's annual Halloween walk. She said she would and the payment for doing so was a copy of a Snowy Egret picture I took and posted as a Wordless Wednesday a while back.

My very talented friend's handiwork (picture taken from her blog):

My Snowy Egret picture:

I think The Colonel and I got the better end of the deal. We love our brain hats!

It is always great fun to walk downtown on Halloween to see the children (and adults) in their costumes and look at all of the decorations.

I usually wear a bit of a costume as I walk downtown. One year I had my vampire teeth in and another year I wore arm coverings that made it look like my arms were covered in tattoos (I wore them one time to fool my worked). The Colonel and I couldn't wait to wear our brain hats on Halloween.

In addition to my brain hat I wore a scrub top and hung a stethoscope around my neck. I went downtown as a "Brain Surgeon".

The following pictures are some of what I saw on my annual Halloween walk this year:

The cute babies...

The interesting adults...

Some lawn decor...

1 comment:

  1. The pleasure in making the hats was knowing they would be appreciated! (And now I can say I've performed brain surgery!)
