Sunday, April 5, 2020

Like Old Times

This COVID-19 crisis is cramping my hair style.

Now that only "essential" outings from your home are, well, essential...I had to cancel the appointment with my trusted hairdresser. I have been going to her for about six years. She colors, cuts and styles my hair every five weeks.

My gray roots were very visible and they needed to be covered and soon. Yam said that I should embrace my "COVID-19 Look" and just go with the gray until life got back to normal.

Last week, The Colonel and I made a trip to Walmart (aka "Running the Gauntlet") and I placed four boxes of hair color into my shopping cart. I decided to grab that many boxes because I do not know how long I will be unable to go to my hairdresser.

The Colonel and I were looking at the different colors to choose from. I tried to get four of the same color, but that was not going to happen...looks like other ladies had the same idea I did. I was able to get two boxes of the same color and two other different ones. The colors were all in the medium red-golden brown family at least.

For years, The Colonel helped me color my hair at home (I started going gray early...thanks Mom!).

The other evening after dinner, I asked The Colonel if he had the time (and desire) to color my hair. He said he did. It seemed odd to have him color my hair again. As always, he did an excellent job covering my gray roots.

I am blessed to have a husband who can and will help me keep my gray hairs at bay...but I look forward to the day when I can go see my hairdresser again for a nice cut with the color (I draw the line at scissors and The Colonel when it comes to my hair) and going back to my hairdresser will hopefully mean that life as we used to know it will have returned.

1 comment:

  1. What? No photos? The Colonel should open a coloring salon!
