Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fantastic Fossil Find

My family enjoys hunting for fossils. We've hunted them in Indiana, Texas, Oklahoma and Florida. We've found gastropods, horse, shark and Camelops teeth. In our fossil collection we also have many kinds of bone and shell. We recently went on a fossil trip with renowned fossil hunter Mark Renz. It is always exciting when you find a fossil.

The Colonel found this the other day...the fossilized tooth of a Snaggletooth Shark. Here it is in situ.

He marked the spot with a flag.

The tooth, as you can see, measured roughly 2 inches.

This is where The Colonel found the fossil (note the little white flag near the base of the oak trees). He found it in our own driveway!

Our driveway is made of crushed (fossilized) shell. We have had a couple of days of heavy rains (of nearly biblical proportions) and the rain uncovered the shark's tooth.

Not seven steps away I found a partial tooth of a Megalodon (ancient, 67-foot long shark).

With a few more rains who knows what we will find...maybe a Mastodon tooth!


  1. I remember thinking, when I was a little girl, that I would find a dinosaur bone if I dug in the backyard. You can find them with out digging! That is a thrilling discovery!

  2. Pretty soon the Florida G-men will declare your property as protected. You'll have fossil hounds making pilgrimages to Bird's Yellow House. JMK
