Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cat Food...It's Not Just For Cats Anymore!

One evening, after dark, The Colonel was on his way to the garage to lock it up for the night and he came upon Trevor (a toad that lives around our house and named thus by Yam...a Harry Potter thing). Trevor was eating the cat food that the cats had left behind after their evening snack. Who knew toads liked cat food?

Trevor isn't the only one who also likes the cats' food.

The other morning The Colonel was again making his way to the garage and when he came back in the house said he just saw the strangest thing...a hornet wrestling a piece of cat food. I had to see this.

Upon closer (as close as I dared) inspection, I saw that the hornet was actually eating the cat food. He would flit from the food on the porch to the food on the plate.

Now don't think the hornet finished off the cat food, the two cats helped and I am sure Trevor will show up eventually and partake of his share.

We sure are getting a bang for our buck when we buy the cat food; three species dining on our dollar.

The bag should be labeled Cat, Toad and Hornet Chow.