The Nassau is 820 feet long and 106 feet wide. It can transport over 3,000 troops. Its A/C could cool a 32-story building or 500 average homes.
There are four medical operating rooms, three dental rooms and 300 hospital beds on board. We toured the medical centers of the ship and visited the same room that the Somali pirates were taken to when they were captured and needed medical care. The door with the red cross on it, on the back wall, was the door they came through.

Walking up and down all of those stairs to reach all of the decks made us hungry so lunch was in order (to the Navy mess hall again via the bus). After lunch went shopping at the NEX (Naval Exchange); it is the Navy's Wal-Mart. Some of the kids bought Navy gear like T-shirts and hats.
Our next stop after the NEX was Colonial Williamsburg. It was a brief stop of an hour and a half, just enough time to walk up and down Duke of Gloucester Street and one or two of the side streets. The last time I was at Colonial Williamsburg was roughly 25 years ago.
Loving history (as you know), I was thrilled to revisit some of the historical houses and know that I was walking the same streets that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson walked.
This is the Wythe House. Mr. Wythe was a patriot and Virginia's first signer of the Declaration of Independence. George Washington used this house as his headquarters before the siege of Yorktown.

The Marquis de Lafayette.

The cadets got to have their cell phones for an hour each evening to call parents, friends or boy friends.
The pizza and cell phones made for very happy cadets (and chaperons) that evening.
End of day three.
I would like to visit Williamsburg, thanks for letting me tag along through this blog.