Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Charlie Bucket Moment

King's Golden Ticket courtesy of DSIL

You know that scene in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory where Charlie uses the money he finds in the gutter to buy a big chocolate bar and then hears that there is still one ticket left and he slowly peels the wrapping back and spies part of a golden ticket and the surprise, disbelief and then the shear joy he experiences upon winning the gold ticket? Well, I felt just like Charlie when he spied the golden ticket as I opened an email the other day.

You see a couple of weeks ago I went on line and requested two of the 400 tickets available to see Stephen King when he comes to town on March 20th to kick off Charlotte County's Big Read program. The tickets would be awarded via a lottery with assigned seating. I had heard that 5,000 people submitted their requests for the tickets.

When I opened my email it said, "Congratulations! Your name was drawn to receive two tickets to The Big Read Kickoff Event featuring author Stephen King..."

OMG!!! I never win things! I couldn't believe it! OMG!!! (I went out and bought a lottery ticket...maybe my luck hasn't run out yet).

I have read a few of Stephen King's books and I particularly found his book, On Writing, interesting and helpful. The Colonel has not read any of King's books and as his sister has read quite a few of them and also requested tickets on line without winning any, thought letting his sister use my other ticket was a good idea and I agreed. She was ecstatic when I called her to let her know I won and that she will be coming along with me to see Stephen King in person.

I went to pickup my tickets and when I saw we were in row C, seats 101 and 102, I again felt like Charlie Bucket...I could not believe my luck...just three rows from the stage (again, hope this luck lasts until after the lotto ticket is drawn in a couple of days).

I still catch myself breaking out in a grin as I think about my winning the tickets to see Stephen King.

I've got a golden ticket(s)!

1 comment:

  1. Oh sister I am so happy for you, so take this moment and relish in it and have a chocolate bar!
